The ENT Foundation of Bangladesh was founded by Late Prof. Dr. Mohammed Alauddin. Dr. Alauddin was the Professor and Chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). Prior to joining the department he was the Professor and Head of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery at Dhaka Medical College. He obtained his MBBS from Sylhet Medical College, Bangladesh (1968). He did his specialty training in Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery at various hospitals in the UK, where he also worked as a Senior Registrar at Royal Gwent Hospital, University hospital on the Cardiff Newport rotation.
Dr. Alauddin received DLO (London, 1978), FRCS (Glasgow, 1978) and FCPS (Bangladesh, 1994) FCPS (Pakistan, 2005) during his career. He specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of Head and Neck cancers.
Dr. Alauddin was a member of over ten professional speciality societies, he was of Member of the Executive Committee of International Federation of Otorhinolaryngological Societies (IFOS), Secretary General of the SAARC Otolaryngologist Association and President of the Society of Otolaryngologist and Head Neck Surgeons of Bangladesh.
He was the author of over thirty-five scientific publications and the recipient of two oration awards; one awarded by the Indian Society of Paediatirc Otolaryngology and another by Association of Otolaryngologist of India. He also delivered Grewal memorial oration in Kolkata conference of AOI India.
Dr. Alauddin was on the editorial board of several prestigious professional Journals. He was Chairman of the editorial board of Bangladesh Medical Journal. He has taught many postgraduate courses and has been an examiner for several institutes including Bangladesh College of Physician & Surgeons, Dhaka University and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib MedicalUniversity and Karachi University, Pakistan. He was the Chairman of faculty of Otolaryngology of Bangladesh College of Physician & Surgeons, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
Dr Alauddin has attended numerous meetings, workshops conferences at home and abroad, some of which include:
- Asia Oceania ENT congress – Hong Kong -1991, Philippines -1995
- IFOS World congress-Istanbul, Turkey-1993
- Saudi Arabian ENT Association meeting, Riyadh-1994
- IFOS World Congress – Sydney, Australia 1998
- IFOS World Congress – Rome, Italy 2005.
- SAARC ENT meeting, Katmandu, Nepal, Lahore, Colombo.
- British ENT Association meeting, Birmingham, Dublin, Bristol.
- Centenary meeting of American ORL Association Washington, 1997
- Indian ENT Association Meeting- New Delhi; Kolkata; Chennai, Mumbai, Gauhati, Agra.
- He regularly attended Royal Society of Medicine annual meetings in the UK during his career.

Dr Alauddin founded the ENT and Head Neck Cancer Foundation to create a centre of excellence for ENT and Head Neck Cancer treatments in Bangladesh and provide specialist medical care to patients suffering from ENT and Head Neck related ailments.
He worked tirelessly through out his career to improve the quality of ENT treatment in the country and his efforts led to the creation of the specialist ENT and Head Neck Foundation Hospital, Dhaka.
Dr Alauddin passed away in April, 2011 at the age of 66, after suffering from lung cancer for over 5 years.